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A Brave New “Hello World!” April 9, 2006

Posted by komodocode in Community, Practice.

OK, so I have gotten the ceremonial "Hello World!" done in Ruby on Rails. Very straightforward 5-step process and I love the way Rails creates the entire directory structure using a simple command. I'm looking forward to learning other helper scripts. I just read Jakob Sklerning's Mentalized blog that mentioned the simple "Hello World!" program consumes 30MB of RAM to run. BWAH???

A little research of my own revealed that launching the WEBrick web server (Rails 1.1) takes up 23 MB of memory, but running the "Hello World!" program costs next to nothing that I could see. If anyone has any insight into Jakob's statement, I'd love to learn about it.

BTW, Jakob has a great how-to on running "Hello World!"


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